Here’s a quick, 10-step guide to dating the undead...
by Jackie Mancini...
Don’t be shy — If you have something in common, chat her up.

Show interest in her career — Zombie women are very focused, and goal-oriented. Just don’t call her ‘brainy.’ They hate that.

Take her out on the town! Zombie girls are very social.

Meet her friends — Typically, these babes are a very tight knit group.

When she tells you what she wants, listen.

Give her plenty of freedom — these girls are independent. If you smother her, you’ll either lose her, or get eaten.

Compliment her sense of style. She puts a lot of work into her image, and there’s nothing wrong with telling her you appreciate it.

You’ve heard that expression ‘I’m like a zombie in the morning,’ right? Zombie girls are not morning people. If she stays over, make sure you have coffee. Lots of it.

Don’t ever criticize her for wearing too much makeup. She’s not lying when she says she’d look dead without it.

Lastly, always remember: No matter how much you love her, you can’t trust her. She wants to eat your brains, remember?

Source: http://guyspeed.com/walking-dead-hot-zombie-chicks/?utm_source=zergnet.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=zergnet_36186
This is AWESOME. Ha!