Monday 17 September 2012

Mayan calendar set to expire in 100 days

Mayan Astronomers
The painted figure of a man through the doorway of an ancient dwelling in the Maya city Zultun in northeastern Guatemala. Picture: National Geographic, Tyrone Turner Source: AP

Doesn’t quite have the same impact as “YOU WILL DIE in 7 DAYZ”…

But my bucket list has 101 things to do; I wonder if I can get an extension?

 If you believe in the Mayan apocalypse…

December 21 is the end of days. Or, perhaps it's the 23rd... Interpreting the Mayan calendar is not a precision science.

But what we know is the "Long Count" and "Dresden Codex" calendars of the ages of the Earth do expire in December. Maybe.

And, according to a thriving industry of books, television documentaries and web blogs, that means it is time to kiss everything goodbye.

New Agers around the world have been busy preparing for the event in recent years. Blast shelter sales have soared in the United States, and some remote villages have been cashing-in on the hype by offering "refuge" packages.

Mayan Astronomers
Archaeologists have found the small room where royal scribes apparently used walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate calendar some 1200 years ago. Picture:National Geographic, Tyrone Turner

Exactly how the world will end is confused.
Some say it will be consumed by a black hole. Some say it will be hit by an asteroid. Others say the ancient gods will return and consume everything in their rage.

Many ethnic Mayans dismiss the apocalyptic hype as a Western invention. Everybody knows that, rather than an end of time, the inscriptions refer to a new era, they say.

Mayan calendar math is also somewhat difficult to interpret.

It is based on a260 day ceremonial cycle, the 365 day or bit of the Sun, the 584 day cycle of Venus and the 780 day cycle of Mars.

Dresden Codex
Pages from the Dresden Codex, one of only four Maya books known to have survived the Conquest.

These were used to determine the "ages of the Earth", which varied between roughly 900 years through to 6700 years in duration.

A measure of time popularised by New Age theorists is the baktun, a 144,000 day cycle that repeats only 13 times on the Dresden Codex. And this is the basis for the "end of the world" speculation for December 21.

Besides, calendars older than the "Long Count" - such as that found at Xultun in Guatemala - casts their counts some 7000 years into the future. Xultun predates the Codex by some 500 years.

Long Count calendar
The Aztec Calendar stone, based on the Mayan system.

And, like our calendars, the end of the page does not mean the end of the world.
"It's like the odometer of a car, with the Maya calendar rolling from the 120,000 to 130,000," said Anthony Aveni, professor of astronomy and anthropology at Colgate University in a report earlier this year. "The car gets a step closer to the junkyard as the numbers turn over; the Maya just start over."

So, it's time to quickly get that bucket list together and start enjoying yourself.

The Earth is due for a trade-in.


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